Life Fit

Let’s do this together, shall we? Life Fit is what I call it. Starting 5 hours ago on the road trip back from my wife’s show in Southern Oregon I began already living it. What is it you ask while taking a slow sip of your coffee while keeping your eyes moving to my typing….it’s simple – it’s about being confident and happy. Yep, just the two things. Sounds corny? I assure you, it’s not.  Easy to say…harder to do. I mean really do, not just half doing, or thinking you’re doing, but really doing it.  Why Life Fit? Well good question. It’s about you being the best of you. Truly believing in yourself. If you believe, you will take risks that may lead to new adventures, goals that lead to achievements, and worlds unknown with a community of people unknown. Who knows what others will bring out of you, and you others.  If you believe in yourself, others will start the journey in believing in themselves. Want to achieve?…Then Inspire. Inspiring is what others at times so desperately need, giving you the fuel from their new-found motivation to continue your sought upon journey through ups and downs, thorn bushes to roses – as their strength is now yours.  Alone your sail is moved by a breeze, while connecting with others your sail will be pushed by a raging storm, confident and fierce, wild and free.


If you are happy with yourself, you will become a light for others. Becoming happy with yourself takes accepting yourself with the understanding and constant effort in changes being made at all times. This is key, change, self reflecting and the pursuit in getting better is a must, without this…stagnant.  To move others, you must first move within yourself. To inspire confidence you must first become confident in yourself. To truly see others you must truly see yourself. It all starts with you.  Accept who you are, and then build upon yourself. No need to take away, the way you were has brought you to this blog now. The past has got you where you are today, to help others and tell stories about your journey one day.  Don’t tear down, build up! For negativity from the past will make it very hard to become truly happy. Accepting your skeletons, getting to know your skeletons, and moving forward without them is hard, but key, as you walk through new doors and chapters of your life.You must accept your past to truly move forward.

I want to shine upon others and uplift them, and it took me be lifted to understand how to lift others. It took me being lifted to feel and experience what life can bring and become. It took me to fall to help others up. It took me rethinking what I know, who I am, and what’s important for me to write this blog.  The importance is you. Me. The best way to achieve Life Fit is to become truly free with yourself and your ideas. This will over time open your thoughts while tearing down your walls to truly feel confident and happy.  Be confident in being happy, and happy to be confident.


My goals in inspiring others starts with me. Therefore I am taking action to be the best me I can be. First starting out with exercise. Starting tomorrow, I am on a new workout regiment that contains a few different goals in the pursuit to motivate others. First, being as healthy as I can be. Healthy to be a good influence to my son (and hopefully in the near future daughter or sons). To be on this earth as long as possible with my wife. To be healthy and live long for my family and friends. To be healthy to have energy to speak, coach and inspire. To be healthy so I can truly touch people in the importance of being healthy, and the risks living a unhealthy lifestyle can bring. I can speak on the unhealthy part, it’s time to speak upon the healthy part.

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My excercise regiment also includes looking good and feeling good. Giving off confidence to others because I am confident!  If I am going to talk it, I must be it. I can tell you I have got far in life without much confidence at all, my close friends, family and fans know this. Just to think through health and excercise I can start building upon the foundation I have now, rising higher and higher until my peak is lost in the clouds, reaching for new heights to touch others and uplift those who are in need. Lost in the clouds, like a kid and his or her imagination. That’s what we all need more of, imagination that carries us forward. The wanderlust mind can lead to dark places, but the unlit room will only make you stronger. Your wanderlust mind can also lead you to beautiful places with amazing people. Who knows? God gives us free will, but plans as well. When does God help and when is it truly free will? The answer is faith, the answer doesn’t matter. I am going to exercise to feel good about myself, purely so I can make others feel even better about themselves. I want to walk the walk, always and forever.  Never waste a single breath on this planet talking without doing, writing without experiencing, inspiring without being inspired. I live another day to spread this message I type tonight with much more to come. God is good and I am alive to tell about it.

Third part of my exercise plan is diet. My wife and I talked about this long and hard, and we came to a simple but tricky conclusion. Everything in moderation. Kind of like the 80/20 philosophy, but more around the lines of 70/30. I am no longer an athlete. I am no longer training for a sport. I am now training to live a long and happy life, spreading God’s good word and inspiring those around me. I want to live life and have fun living it. I don’t need to cut, gain, peak, or use food for any type of sport’s performance plan. I want to enjoy the fine fruits of life while I take my son to the movies, bake with my wife, or spend holidays with family. Yes, I am going to eat to be healthy, look and feel confident, and make sure my doctor visits go well so I live a long, healthy life, but splitting a donut with my wife will always be a priority. On the other hand, I have gained a lot of weight since my death to life cardiac arrest at the Portland Zoo. I am not looking too “Tom Bradyish” these days. My wife says it’s healthy weight, and that I need to eat, rest and relax. I agree, it’s been necessary, but enough is enough! I must start cutting out the crap! and start bringing in the GAINZ! Life gainz. Better yet….Life Fit.


As of now exercise and everything it brings is what I am focused on. Not competing, nor training to compete, but training for life.  Exercise will bring so much to my confidence and happiness as I continue building on what I already have before I passed away. But with this said, I have a lot more to learn about myself, more growing to do, much more experience to gain, influence to embrace, and to become the best me I can be for my family and you the reader. This is only the first chapter to my new outlook moving forward. Exercise is only one piece of the puzzle. The self reflecting, understanding, and getting to know Jon North has many more chapters to go, as the book never ends and my story stays unfinished. I must restart to find out what I came to accomplish.

Cheers, to a long and healthy life!

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